Senior Data Executive

Case Study Questions - Building a Business Case for an Enterprise Data Warehouse


The following scenario offers senior data executives an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to effectively assess, pitch and measure the financial aspects of deploying a complex technical solution where the ROI and use cases are varied and often not clear. Their expertise in budgeting, financial analysis, resource allocation, and project management will be crucial in delivering successful responses that are well thought out and educational.


A department within a large organization is seeking the expertise of a senior data executive to lead the development of a data warehouse and automated Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting system. The department aims to centralize and optimize data storage, processing, and reporting to enhance decision-making and performance monitoring. The senior data executive's role is to oversee the project's financial cost, return on investment (ROI) strategy, and human capital requirements to ensure its successful delivery.

Project Scope:

The project encompasses the following key objectives:

1. Data Warehouse Development:

- Assess the department's data sources and determine the most efficient way to integrate and consolidate them into a data warehouse.

- Define the data architecture, models, and relationships to ensure data integrity, accessibility, and scalability.

- Establish suitable data storage and retrieval mechanisms, considering factors such as data volume, frequency of updates, and query performance.

2. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes:

- Identify appropriate data extraction methods and tools to extract data from various sources and transform it into a consistent format for loading into the data warehouse.

- Design and implement robust data transformation processes to cleanse, validate, and enrich the data as required.

- Develop efficient data loading mechanisms to ensure timely updates to the data warehouse.

3. Automated KPI Reporting:

- Identify the department's key performance indicators (KPIs) and define the required metrics to track and measure performance.

- Design and implement a reporting framework that automatically extracts data from the data warehouse, processes it, and generates KPI reports on a regular basis.

- Develop interactive dashboards or visualization tools to provide intuitive access to the KPI reports for various stakeholders.

4. Financial Cost and ROI Strategy:

- What is the estimated financial cost of building the data warehouse and implementing the automated KPI reporting system?

- How will you develop a comprehensive budget that considers hardware, software, infrastructure, personnel, and ongoing maintenance costs?

- What is the projected return on investment (ROI) of the project, and what factors will contribute to its success?

5. Human Capital Needs:

- What skills and expertise are required to successfully deliver the data warehouse and automated KPI reporting system?

- How will you assess the department's existing resources and determine the gaps that need to be filled?

- What is the optimal organizational structure and team composition needed for the project, considering both technical and managerial roles?

Key Questions for the Senior Data Executive:

1. How will you estimate the financial cost of building the data warehouse and implementing the automated KPI reporting system? What factors will influence the budget allocation?

2. What ROI strategy will you develop to determine the potential benefits and value generated by the project? How will you measure and track the project's success in achieving its ROI targets?

3. How will you assess the department's human capital needs for the project? What criteria will you use to evaluate existing resources and identify any skill gaps?

4. How will you assemble and manage the project team? What roles and responsibilities will be required, and how will you ensure effective collaboration and communication among team members?

5. What strategies will you employ to manage and mitigate potential risks associated with the project's financial cost, ROI, and human capital needs? How will you ensure that the project remains on track and delivers the desired outcomes within the defined timelines?